Academic Calendar
Lessons take place on Saturday mornings from 9:15 am until 12:30 pm. In the current academic year, a number of culture days will also be organised, including Saint Nicholas and King's Day. When setting the academic calendar, we have taken into account the school holidays in Cheshire where possible.
This calendar can be downloaded from the Home page.
Our last lesson of 2022 is on Saturday 9th of July.
School Plan
Our school plan is a policy document, in which we reflect on our objectives and priorities. It outlines our policy intentions in the areas of education, staff, quality assurance and other policy areas (strategy, finances, equipment and relationships). The board and the teaching staff have carefully considered the mission and vision of our school.
You can request a copy of our school plan via the Contact Us page or directly from the board.
Dutch resources to use at home
The following websites are useful tools for watching, listening to and reading Dutch programmes and books: (kijk bij digitaal prentenboek)
Dutch apps for children
- Juf Jannie spelletjes
- Jip en Janneke dieren puzzels
- Ketnet
- Tandenland
- Daar komt aap
- Voorleestijd
- Borre
At and de Standaard Boekhandel you can find Dutch e-books, and you can download Dutch books for free at Ebook.
Disclaimer: These links will take you to other websites. De Luchtballon does not take any responsibility for the contents, text, etc. on these sites. Accessing them is at your own risk.